Including Children and Vulnerable Adult
At Infinity Tennis, the safety and well-being of all children and vulnerable adults participating in our programmes are of paramount importance. We are committed to creating a safe and positive environment where children and adults can learn and enjoy the sport of tennis. This policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and the procedures we have in place to protect them.
The safeguarding policy is designed to meet the expectations of all stakeholders, including local councils, the Lawn Tennis Association, and the community, while fostering an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment for all participants.
Policy Statement
Infinity Tennis recognizes its responsibility to:
Safeguard children and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and harm.
Ensure that all staff, volunteers, and stakeholders are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.
Provide a safe and welcoming environment where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.
We will ensure compliance with local council requirements, including supplying this policy upon request, and with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) registration standards.
Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to:
All staff, contractors, and volunteers working at Infinity Tennis.
All programmes, services, and events operated or facilitated by Infinity Tennis.
All children and vulnerable adults who engage with our facilities and services.
Safeguarding Principles
Infinity Tennis commits to the following safeguarding principles:
Child-Centred Approach: Children have a right to be protected, feel safe, and have their welfare promoted.
Empowerment of Vulnerable Adults: Vulnerable adults should be supported and encouraged to make decisions about their own lives.
Inclusivity: All individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or religion, have equal rights to protection from harm.
Accountability: Staff, volunteers, and operators are accountable for their actions and must adhere to safeguarding policies and procedures.
Safeguarding Responsibilities
Children and Vulnerable Adults
Infinity Tennis is committed to safeguarding the welfare of:
Children: Anyone under the age of 18.
Vulnerable Adults: Adults who are, or may be, in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disabilities, age, or illness and who are, or may be, unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves against harm or exploitation.
Staffing and Governance
Infinity Tennis will:
Employ Sufficient Staff: Ensure the proper operation of facilities and services by employing qualified, trained, and experienced staff. All staff will be professional, courteous, and responsive to users, maintaining a smart appearance and exemplary conduct at all times.
Staff Training: Ensure that all staff and volunteers are trained in safeguarding policies, health and safety practices, and operational procedures. Training will be refreshed annually.
Disclosure and Barring Checks (DBS): All staff and volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults must have an up-to-date DBS check and adhere to this safeguarding policy.
Qualified Coaches: Ensure all tennis coaches meet the LTA’s accreditation guidelines:
Coaches leading sessions must have a minimum Level 2 qualification.
Coaches leading the overall coaching programme must have a minimum Level 3 qualification.
All coaches must hold valid LTA accreditation.
Health and Safety Compliance: Ensure that all staff comply with relevant health and safety policies and procedures at all times.
Volunteering Opportunities: Develop and promote volunteering opportunities for local residents, ensuring volunteers are adequately supported, trained, and integrated into our programmes.
Staffing Structure: Maintain a clear and effective staffing structure with defined roles and responsibilities. The structure will ensure specialisation where needed and avoid over-reliance on any single role, supporting operational resilience.
Facility and Programme Standards
Annual Registration with the LTA: Infinity Tennis will annually register the venue with the LTA, meeting all required minimum standards.
Clear Procedures: Implement clear operational procedures to identify and respond to safeguarding concerns.
Risk Assessments: Conduct regular risk assessments for all activities, programmes, and facilities to ensure safety and accessibility.
Promote and prioritise the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable adults by creating a culture of openness and ensuring that safeguarding is embedded in all aspects of our activities.
Ensure that all staff and volunteers understand their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and are provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify, and respond to signs of abuse, neglect, and other safeguarding concerns.
Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents or concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual(s) who raise or disclose the concern.
Ensure that confidential, detailed, and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
Prevent the employment or engagement of unsuitable individuals by implementing rigorous recruitment procedures including DBS checks.
Ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation and regularly reviewed to maintain their effectiveness.
Reporting process in the event of a disclosure:
Is someone in immediate danger?
Call the police (999)
Talk to the venue’s Welfare Officer in confidence or to
Margate LTC - Kim Lloyd
Broadstairs and St Peter’s LTC - Jo King
Spencer Square, Ramsgate - KCC Safeguarding Lead
Herne Bay LTC - Katrina Horobin
West Beach Tennis Courts - KCC Safeguarding Lead
Faversham TC - Teresa Rowe
The Kent Tennis Safeguarding Officer (Janice White - 07596365617) or to
The LTA Safeguarding Team (020 8487 7000) as soon as possible [Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm].
If you are unable to contact any of these and you want advice before the next working day, call the NSPCC (0808 800 5000) if your concern is about a child.
If your concern us about an adult ask the NSPCC for details of your Local Authority Adult Social Care Services.
Hate crime can alternatively be reported through True Vision at
Write an objective account of your concerns immediately using the Reporting a Concern Form found on the safeguarding page. Send it to the Safeguarding Team within 48 hours of the concern/disclosure (
Handling a concern/disclosure can be emotionally difficult. If you would like to talk to someone after making a concern/disclosure, contact the LTA Safeguarding Team by phone 020 8487 7000 or email
Recruitment and Training
Recruitment: Implement stringent recruitment procedures that include background checks, interviews, and reference checks. All staff and volunteers must complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check or equivalent, and provide two professional references.
Training: Provide comprehensive safeguarding training to all staff and volunteers to ensure they understand their responsibilities in protecting children and are equipped to recognise and respond to potential abuse. This training will be refreshed annually, and new staff will receive an induction covering child protection policies and procedures.
Code of Conduct
Behaviour: All staff and volunteers must demonstrate exemplary behaviour in the presence of children. This includes treating all children with respect and dignity, and ensuring their safety at all times. Any form of abusive behaviour, whether verbal, physical, or emotional, is strictly prohibited.
Interaction: Staff and volunteers should avoid being alone with a child where they cannot be observed by others. All private or one-to-one coaching sessions should take place in an open and visible environment.
Boundaries: Establish and maintain appropriate professional boundaries with children. Personal relationships with children outside of the professional context are discouraged and must be disclosed to the CPO.
Reporting Concerns
Responsibility: All staff and volunteers have a duty to report any concerns about the welfare of a child. It is not their responsibility to decide if abuse has occurred, but it is their responsibility to act on any concerns by reporting them to the appropriate authorities.
Procedure: Concerns should be reported immediately to the designated Child Protection Officer (CPO). In the absence of the CPO, concerns should be reported to a senior staff member. Staff and volunteers should record any concerns or disclosures in writing as soon as possible.
Confidentiality: Reports of concerns should be treated with the utmost confidentiality and only shared with individuals who need to know in order to protect the child. Unauthorised sharing of information is prohibited and could result in disciplinary action.
Responding to Allegations
Immediate Action: Ensure the immediate safety of the child. If the child is in immediate danger, contact the police or child protection services immediately. Do not confront the alleged abuser.
Investigation: The CPO will conduct a thorough investigation following the report of a concern. This may involve liaising with external child protection agencies and following their guidance. The CPO will ensure that all actions taken are documented and that the child’s welfare is the primary consideration.
Support: Provide appropriate support to all parties involved, including the child, family, and staff member against whom the allegation is made. Support may include counselling services, referrals to external agencies, and regular updates on the progress of the investigation.
Record Keeping
Documentation: Maintain detailed records of all reported concerns, investigations, and outcomes. Records must be stored securely and only accessible to authorised personnel. Records should include the nature of the concern, details of the child involved, any witnesses, and actions taken.
Retention: Safeguarding records should be retained in accordance with legal requirements and best practice guidelines. This typically involves keeping records for a minimum of seven years after the child leaves the program, or longer if required by law.
Information Sharing: Ensure clear communication channels are established for sharing information about child protection concerns both internally and with external agencies. Information should be shared on a need-to-know basis, respecting confidentiality and the privacy of those involved.
Parental Involvement: Work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure the protection of children, unless this is not in the best interest of the child. Parents/carers should be informed of our safeguarding policy and procedures and encouraged to share any concerns they may have.
Monitoring and Review
Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly monitor and evaluate our safeguarding practices to ensure they are effective and up-to-date. This includes conducting regular risk assessments, reviewing incident reports, and seeking feedback from children, parents, and staff.
Annual Review: This policy will be reviewed annually or following any significant incidents or changes in legislation or best practices. All staff and volunteers will be informed of any updates to this policy and provided with additional training if necessary.
Safeguarding Officer Contact Information:
Name: Gavid Vickers
Phone: 07976057454
Infinity Tennis Management Team
Date: 2nd June 2024
Review Date: 2nd June 2025
Signs of Abuse
Physical Abuse
Unexplained bruises or injuries
Burns, bite marks, or fractures
Fear of going home or seeing parents
Emotional Abuse
Excessive withdrawal or fearfulness
Sudden changes in behaviour
Delayed physical or emotional development
Sexual Abuse
Inappropriate knowledge or behaviour for age
Difficulty walking or sitting
Reluctance to change clothes or participate in physical activities
Poor hygiene or inappropriate clothing
Consistent hunger or malnutrition
Frequent absences from school or activities
Responding to a Child's Disclosure
Listen carefully: Do not interrupt or ask leading questions.
Reassure the child: Let them know they did the right thing by telling you.
Do not promise confidentiality: Explain that you need to share this information to help them.
Record the disclosure: Write down the child’s words as accurately as possible.
Report immediately: Contact the CPO or senior staff member without delay.
By following this comprehensive Child Protection Policy, Infinity Tennis aims to provide a secure environment where children can thrive and enjoy the sport of tennis, free from harm and abuse.